Thursday, December 11, 2008

Salt Lake City/ Provo Utah Area

Salt Lake City is a scenic and cultural wonderland. Being the mainstay of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it offers plenty of religious temples and activies. Salt Lake City was also the site of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. Further, the natural splendor of Utah is exemplified in the stunning beauty of Salt Lake City. It is certainly a pleasure for both the body and soul. Submitted by Jennifer V.

Map of Salt Lake City/Provo Utah

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Salt Lake Temple: When the pioneers reached the Salt Lake Valley, the Salt Lake Temple was planned before any other structure was built. The entire city was built around this Temple. Construction took 40 years as the Temple was built of granite stones that were precisely cut onsite and laid one of top of the other without using mortar. The Temple is a vital part of the worship and beliefs of the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Mount Timpanogos: This is one of the tallest mountains in northern Utah at 11,749 feet above sea level. This mountain is special to me because it was constantly in view throughout my years of college at Brigham Young University (except when the clouds enveloped it and left it blanketed in snow). After my Junior year of college, I had the opportunity to hike to the top of the mountain twice in the same week. I feel a thrill of joy every time I return to Utah and see my beautiful mountain.

View From Top of Mount Timpanogos

Mount Timpanogos Temple: Before an LDS Temple is dedicated, an open-house is held so that everyone may see the beautiful building. When I saw this beautiful new Temple, I knew that I wanted to be married there. This dream was realized as is shown in this photograph.

Bridal Veil Falls – Provo Canyon: I enjoyed many fun picnics with my sister and her family at this beautiful spot. Therefore, when my friend Duane came to visit Utah for the first time, I quickly agreed with my sister that it should be on our list of places to take him. Little did I know that everyone was plotting behind my back. Duane proposed to me at the base of the falls and this will always be a very special place.

Gardens at Thanksgiving Point: Thanksgiving Point is a tourist attraction several miles south of Salt Lake City. Last year, my entire family had the opportunity to visit the gardens located there. It is the most beautiful and elaborate garden that I have ever seen in my life. It will always be special to me because of the wonderful memories I have of being with my family in that beautiful place.

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